Công trình nghiên cứu
Dr Tran - Dang Hong
Trần - Đăng Gia Trang, Lạc Lợi, Diên Khánh, Khánh Hòa - Nơi tôi được sanh ra
- Sinh năm 1941, tại Lạc Lợi, Diên Khánh, Khánh Hoà.
- Học Trường Tiểu Học Thanh Minh, Tiểu Học Diên Khánh, Trường Nam Tiểu Học Nha Trang, Trung Học Võ Tánh Nha Trang, Đại Học Khoa Học Sài Gòn (PCB), Đại Học Y Khoa Sài Gòn (1 year, bỏ dở), Cao Đẳng Nông Lâm Súc Sài Gòn, The University of Reading, UK. Tốt nghiệp MSc về Crop Physiology, PhD về Seed Storage Physiology.
- Nghề nghiệp : Giảng viên tại Trung học Nông Lâm Súc Cần Thơ (1964-1968), Đại Học Cần Thơ (1968-1974) thuộc Bộ Giáo Dục. Năm 1968, được biệt phái trong 6 tháng về Bộ Canh Nông thành lập "Trung Tâm Quốc Gia Huấn Luyện Lúa Gạo Sài Gòn", Trở về Đại Học Cần Thơ, kiêm Thanh Tra Chương Trình Lúa Thần Nông tại 16 tỉnh Đồng bằng Cửu Long của Bộ Nông Nghiệp (1973-1974). Du học tại Anh năm 1974. Sau khi tốt nghiệp, từ 1978 giảng viên giảng huấn và nghiên cứu tại The University of Reading, Reading, Anh Quốc.
- Về hưu tháng 10/2006, làm cố vấn về nghiên cứu nông nghiệp nhiệt đới cho Đại Học Reading. Từ tháng 9/2012 đến tháng 9/2014, Đại học Reading mời trở lại làm việc bán thì để hướng dẫn 6 sinh viên ngoại quốc làm luận án Tiến sỉ (PhD).
- Viết nhiều biên khảo khoa học bằng tiếng Việt cho nhiều tạp chí khoa học hải ngoại như VietSciences (Pháp), Khoa Học & Đời sống (Đức), Tập San Hội Chuyên Viên Nông Nghiệp Hải Ngoại (Hoa Kỳ), Nông Nghiệp Phổ Thông (Philippines), Nam Kỳ Lục Tỉnh (Canada), Văn hóa Đồng Nai Cửu Long (Australia).
- Hong, T.D., Linington, S. and Ellis, R.H. 1998. Compendium of Information on Seed Storage Behaviour. Volume I. A-H, Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, 400pp.
· Hong, T.D., Linington, S. and Ellis, R.H. 1998. Compendium of Information on Seed Storage Behaviour. Volume II. I-Z, Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, 500pp.
· Ellis, R.H., Black, M., Murdoch, A.J. and Hong, T.D. 1997. Basic and Applied Aspects of Seed Biology: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Seeds, Reading, 1995, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 823p + XXV.
- Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H. 1996. A protocol to determine seed storage behaviour. IPGRI Technical Bulletin No 4, Rome: International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, 64pp.
· Hong, T.D., Linington, S. and Ellis R.H. 1996., Seed Storage Behaviour: a Compendium. Handbooks for Genebanks No 4, Rome: International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, 656pp.
- Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H. 1985. Handbook of Seed Technology for Genebanks. Volume I. Principles and Methodology, . International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome, 210pp.
· Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H, 1985. Handbook of Seed Technology for Genebanks. Volume II. Compendium of Specific Germination Imformation and Test Recommendations, International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome, 211-667.
- Hong, T.D., Ellis, R.H. and Hanson, J. 200?. Principles and Practice of Seed Drying for Genebanks. IPGRI Technical Bulletin No. Rome: International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (in press).
1. Tran-Dang Hong, Minchin, F.R. and Summerfield, R.J., 1977. Recovery of nodulated cowpea plants (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) from waterlogging during vegetative growth. Plant and Soil 48: 661-672.
2. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1981. The influence of desiccation on cassava seed germination and longevity. Annals of Botany 47: 173-175.
3. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1982. An investigation of the influence of constant and alternating temperature on the germination of cassava seed using a two-dimensional temperature gradient plate. Annals of Botany 49: 241-246.
4. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1983. Procedures for the safe removal of dormancy from rice seed. Seed Science and Technology 11: 77-112.
5. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1983. A note on the development of a practical procedure for promoting the germination of dormant seed of grape (Vitis spp.). Vitis 22: 211-219.
6. Ellis, R. H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1985. Preliminary seed germination and seed storage investigations with the winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonobus (L.) D.C.). The Winged Bean Flyer 5: 22-36.
7. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1985. Handbook of Seed Technology for Genebanks. Volume I. Principles and Methodology. International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome. 210pp.
8. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1985. Handbook of Seed Technology for Genebanks. Volume II. Compendium of Specific Germination Imformation and Test Recommendations. International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome. Pp. 211-667.
9. Ellis, R.H. and Hong, T.D., 1985. Prunus seed germination and storage. In Long Term Seed Storage of Major Temperate Fruits. International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome. 38pp.
10. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1986. Logarithmic relationship between moisture content and longevity in sesame seeds. Annals of Botany 57: 499-503.
11. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1986. Quantal response of seed germination in Brachiaria humidicola, Echinochloa turnerana, Eragrostis tef and Panicum maximum to photon dose for the low energy reaction and the high irradiance reaction. Journal of Experimental Botany 37: 742-753.
12. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1986. The response of seeds of Bromus sterilis L. and Bromus mollis L. to white light of varying photon flux density and photoperiod. New Phytologist 104: 485-496.
13. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1987. The development of desiccation-tolerance and maximum seed quality during seed maturation in six grain legumes. Annals of Botany 59: 23-29.
14. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1987. Comparison of cumulative germination and rate of germination of dormant and aged barley seed lots at different constant temperatures. Seed Science and Technology 15: 717-727.
15. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1988. A low moisture content limit to logarithmic relations between seed moisture content and longevity. Annals of Botany 61: 405-408.
16. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1989. A comparison of the low-moisture-content limit to the logarithmic relation between seed moisture and longevity in twelve species. Annals of Botany 63: 601- 611.
17. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1989. Quantal response of seed germination in seven genera of Cruciferae to white light of varying photon flux density and photoperiod. Annals of Botany 63: 145-158.
18. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1989. Response of seed germination in three genera of Compositae to white light of varying photon flux density. Journal of Experimental Botany 40: 13-22.
19. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1990. Effect of moisture content and method of rehydration on the susceptibility of pea seeds to imbibition damage. Seeds Science and Technology 18: 131-137.
20. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1990. An intermediate category of seed storage behaviour ? I. Coffee. Journal of Experimental Botany 41: 1167-1174.
21. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1990. Moisture content and the longevity of seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Annals of Botany 66: 341-348.
22. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D., Roberts, E.H., and Tao, K-L., 1990. Low moisture content limits to relations between seed longevity and moisture. Annals of Botany 65: 493-504.
23. Ellis, R.H., de Barros, M.A., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1990. Germination of seeds of five cultivars of Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link in response to potassium nitrate and white light of varying photon flux density and photoperiod. Seed Science and Technology 18: 119-130.
24. Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H., 1990. A comparison of maturation drying, germination, and desiccation tolerance between developing seeds of Acer pseudoplatanus L. and Acer platanoides L. New Phytologist 116: 598-596.
25. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1991. An intermediate category of seed storage behaviour ? II. Effects of provenance, immaturity, and imbibition on desiccation - tolerance in coffee. Journal of Experimental Botany 42: 653-657.
26. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1991. Effect of storage temperature and moisture on the germination of papaya seeds. Seed Science Research 1: 69-72.
27. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D., Roberts, E.H. and Soetisna, U., 1991. Seed storage behaviour in Elaeis guineensis. Seed Science Research 1: 99-104.
28. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1991. Seed moisture content, storage, viability and vigour. Seed Science Research 1: 275-277.
29. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1992. The low-moisture-content limit to the negative logarithmic relation between seed longevity and moisture content in three subspecies of rice. Annals of Botany 69: 53-58.
30. Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H., 1992. The survival of germinating orthodox seeds after desiccation and hermetic storage. Journal of Experimental Botany 43: 239-247.
31. Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H., 1992. Optimum air-dry seed storage environments for arabica coffee. Seed Science and Technology 20: 547-560.
32. Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H., 1992. Development of desiccation tolerance in Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) seeds during maturation drying. Seed Science Research 2: 169-172.
33. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D., Roberts, E.H., Martin, M.C., Perez Garcia, F. and Gomez-Campo, C., 1993. The long-term storage of ultra-dry seeds of 17 crucifers. Plant Varieties and Seeds 6: 75-81.
34. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Jackson, M.T., 1993. Seed production environment, time of harvest, and the potential longevity of seeds of three cultivars of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Annals of Botany 72: 583-590.
35. Ellis, R.H. and Hong, T.D., 1994. Desiccation tolerance and potential longevity of developing seeds of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Annals of Botany 73: 501-506.
36. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D., Astley, D. and Kraak, H.L., 1994. Medium-term storage of dry and ultra-dry seeds of onion at ambient and sub-zero temperatures. Onion Newsletter for the Tropics 6: 56-58.
37. Ellis, R.H. and Hong, T.D., 1995. The effect of cool temperatures on the germination of lentil. In Autumn-Sowing of Lentil in the Highlands of West Sia and North Africa. Eds J.D.H. Keatinge and I. Kusmenoglu. Turkey: Central Research Institute for Field Crop. Pp. 95-106.
38. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Roberts, E.H., 1995. Survival and vigour of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seeds stored at low and very-low moisture contents. Annals of Botany 76: 521-534
39. Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H., 1995. Interspecific variation in seed storage behaviour within two genera - Coffea and Citrus. Seed Science and Technology 23: 165-181.
40. Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H., 1996. A Protocol to Determine Seed Storage Behaviour. IPGRI Technical Bulletin No. 1, 64pp. Rome: International Plant Genetic Resources Institute.
41. Hong, T.D., Linington, S. and Ellis, R.H., 1996. Seed Storage Behaviour: a Compendium Handbooks for Genebanks No. 4, 656pp. Rome: International Plant Genetic Resources Institute. This handbook is also available on line at
42.Wheeler, T.R., Hong, T.D., Ellis, R.H., Batts, G.R., Morison, J.I.L. and Hadley, P., 1996. The duration and rate of grain growth, and harvest index of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in response to temperature and CO2. Journal of Experimental Botany 47: 623-630.
43. Sanhewe, A.J., Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D., Wheeler, T.R., Batts, G.R., Hadley, P. and Morison, J.I.L., 1996. The effect of temperature and CO2 on seed quality development in wheat (Triticum qestivum L.). Journal of Experimental Botany 47: 631-637.
44. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D., Astley, D., Pinnegar, A.E., and Kraak, H.L., 1996. Survival of dry and ultra-dry seeds of carrot, groundnut, lettuce, oilseed rape, and onion during five years' hermetic storage at two temperatures. Seed Science and Technology 24: 347-358.
45. Ellis, R.H. and Hong, T.D., 1996. Induction of desiccation tolerance in seeds. Pp. 127- 135. In Intermediate/Recalcitrant Tropical Forest Tree Seeds. Proceedings of a workshop on improved methods for handling and storage of intermediate/recalcitrant tropical forest tree seeds, 8-10 June 1995, Humlebaek, Denmark. A.S. Ouedraogo, K. Poulsen and F. Stubsgaard. IPGRI, Rome.
46. Ellis, R.H. and Hong, T.D., 1996. Seed quality: seed development and storage. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Recent Advances in Tropical Tree Seed Technology and Planting Stock Production (ed. A.C. Yapa), pp. 80-92. ASEAN Forest Tree Seed Centre Project, Muak-Lek Saraburi, Thailand.
47. Ellis, R.H., Black, M., Murdoch, A.J. and Hong, T.D. 1997. Basic and Applied Aspects of Seed Biology: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Seeds, Reading, 1995. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 823p + XXV.
48. Hong, T.D., Ellis, R.H. and Moore, D., 1997. Development of a model to predict the effect of temperature and moisture on fungal spore longevity. Annals of Botany 79: 121-128.
49. Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H., 1997. Ex situ biodiversity conservation by seed storage: multiple-criteria keys to estimate seed storage behaviour. Seed Science and Technology 25: 157-161.
50. Mwasha, A.J., Ellis, R.H. and Hong, T.D., 1997. The effect of desiccation on the subsequent survival of seed of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.). Seed Science and Technology 25: 115-122.
51. Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H., 1997. The effect of the initial rate of drying on the subsequent ability of immature seeds of Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) to survive rapid desiccation. Seed Science Research 7: 41-45.
52. Hong, T.D., Jenkins, N.E., Ellis, R.H. and Moore D. 1998. Limits to the negative logarithmic relationship between moisture content and longevity in conidia of Metarhizium flavoviride. Annals of Botany 81: 625-630.
53. Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H., 1998. Contrasting seed storage behaviour among different species of Meliaceae. Seed Science and Technology 26: 77-95.
54. Hong, T.D., Linington, S. and Ellis, R.H., 1998. Compendium of Information on Seed Storage Behaviour. Volume I. A-H. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens. 400pp.
55. Hong, T.D., Linington, S. and Ellis, R.H., 1998. Compendium of Information on Seed Storage Behaviour. Volume II. I-Z. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens. 401-901pp.
56. Lima, M. de J.V. jr., Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. and Ferraz, I.D.K. (1999). Drying method and subsequent desiccation tolerance and longevity of immature seeds of cedro (Cedrela odorata L. – Meliaceae). Seed Science and Technology 26: 813-822.
57. Hong, T.D., Ellis, R.H., Buitink, J. Walters, C., Hoekstra, F.A. and Crane, J. 1999. A model of the effect of moisture content on pollen longevity in air-dry storage environments. Annals of Botany 83: 167-173.
58. Hong, T.D., Jenkkins, N.E. and Ellis, R.H. 1999. Fluctuating temperature and the longevity of conidia of Metarhizium flavoviride in storage. Biocontrol Science and Technology 9: 165-176.
59. Dourado, A., Hong, T.D., Ellis, R.H. and Erskine, P. 1999. Daphne seed. Alpine Garden Society 67: 81-86.
60. Hong, T.D., Jenkins, N.E. and Ellis, R.H. 2000. The effects of duration of development and drying regime on the longevity of conidia of Metarhizium flavoviride. Mycological Research 104, 662-665.
61. Hong, T.D., Gedebo, A. and Ellis, R.H. 2000. Accumulation of sugars during the onset and development of desiccation tolerance in immature seeds of Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) stored moist. Seed Science Research 10, 147-152.
62. Hong, T.D., Ahmad, N.B. and Murdoch, A.J. 2001. Optimum air-dry storage conditions for sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) and lemon (Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f.) seeds. Seed Science and Technology 29, 183-192.
63. Hong, T.D., Gunn, J., Ellis, R.H., Jenkins, N.E. and Moore, D. 2001. The effect of environment on the longevity of conidia of Beauveria bassiana. Mycological Research 105, 597-602.
64. Hung, L.Q., Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H. 2001. Constant, fluctuating and effective temperature and seed longevity: a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) examplar. Annals of Botany 88, 465-470.
65. Hong, T.D., Ellis, R.H., Gunn, J. and Moore, D. 2002. Relative humidity, temperature, and the equilibrium moisture content of conidia of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin: a quantitative approach. Journal of Stored Products Research 38, 33-41.
66. Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H. 2002. Optimum moisture status for the exceptional survival of seeds of arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in medium-term storage at -20°C. Seed Science and Technology 30, 131-136.
67. Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H. 2002. Storage. In Tropical Tree Seed Manual. Ed. J.A. Vozzo. Washington DC: USDA. Pp 125-135.
68. Mai-Hong,T., Hong, T.D., Hien, N.T., and Ellis, R.H., 2003. Onset of germinability, desiccation tolerance and hardseededness in developing seeds of Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC) K. Heyne (Caesalpinioideae). Seed Science Research 13, 323–327.
69. LeTam V.T., Hong, T.D., Ellis, R.H. and NgocTam B.T. 2004. Seed storage of Avicennia alba Bl, Seed Science and Technology, 32, 531-536.
70. Hung, L.Q., Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H. 2004. Factors influencing the germination of myrtle (Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers. and L. floribunda Jack) seeds, Seed Science & Technology, 32, 35-41.
71. Hong, T.D., Ellis, R.H., Ngoc Tam, B., Le Tam V.T. 2005. Effects of Desiccation on Seed Germination, Cracking, Fungal Infection and Survival in Storage of Sterculia foetida L., Seed Science and Technology, 33, 705-712.
72. Hong, T.D., Ellis, R.H., Astley, D., Pinnegar, A.E., Groot, S.P.C., Kraak, H.L. 2005. Survival and Vigour of Ultra-dry Seeds After 10 Years of Hermetic Storage, Seed Science and Technology, 33, 449-460.
73. Hong, T.D., Edgington, S., Ellis, R.H., de Muro, M.A., Moore, D. 2005. Saturated Salt Solutions for Humidity Control and the Survival of Dry Powders and Oil Formulations of Beauveria Bassiana Conidia, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 89, 136-143.
74. Lima, M. De J.V.Jr, Ellis, R.H., Hong, T. 2005. Drying Method Influences the Development of Germinability, Desication Tolerance and Subsequent Longevity of Immature Seeds of Sumauma (Ceiba Pentandra (L.) Gaertn. [Bombacaceae]), Seed Science and Technology, 33, 147-156.
75. Garcia,X, Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H. 2006. Seed dormancy and germination of Ficus lundellii and tropical forest restoration. Tree Physiology, 26, 81-85.
76. Mai-Hong, T., Hong, T.D., Hien, N.T., Hai, H.H., Tung, T.D., Le-Tam, V.T., Ngoc-Tam. B. and Ellis, R.H. 2006. Seed development, maturation and storage behaviour of Mimusops elengi L. New Forest, 32, 9-19.
77. Ellis, R.H., Hong, T.D. 2006. Temperature sensitivity of the low-moisture-content limit to negative seed longevity - moisture content relations in hermetic storage. Annals of Botany, 97, 785-791.
78. R.H. Ellis, T.D. Hong (2007) Seed longevity - Moisture content relationships in hermetic and open storage, Seed Science and Technology, 35, 422-430.
79. R.H. Ellis, T.D. Hong (2007) Quantitative response of the longevity of seed of twelve crops to temperature and moisture in hermetic storage, Seed Science & Technology, 35, 431-443.
80. R.H. Ellis, T. Mai-Hong, T.D. Hong, T.T. Tan, N.D. Xuan-Chuong, L.Q. Hung, B. Ngoc-Tam, V.T. Le-Tam (2007) Comparative analysis by protocol and key of seed storage behaviour of sixty Vietnamese tree species, Seed Science & Technology, 35, 459-475.
81. Lima, M.de Jr., Hong, T.D., Arruda, Y.M.B.C., Mendes, A.M.S. and Ellis, R.H.(2014), Classification of seed storage behaviour of 67 Amazonian tree species. Seed Sci. & Technol., 42, 363-392, http://doi.org/10.15258/sst.2014.42.3.06
82. T.D. Hong and M. De Jr. Lima (2015). Seed moisture content ̣(in Portuguese)
Ellis, R.H. and Hong, T.D. 1993. Rice Seed Production Environment, Time of Harvest and the Potential Longevity of Seed Accessions in the Genebank of IRGC at IRRI. Report to ODA (April 1993).
Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H. 1995. Development of a Model to Predict the Effect of Storage environment on Fungal Spore Longevity. Report to the International Institute of Biological Control (IIBC) (December 1995).
Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H. 1998. Germination and dormancy in selected species of the Thymelaeaceae. Report to The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).
Hong, T.D. and Ellis, R.H. 1998. Small research project: Research on seed dormancy and germination of selected species within the Thymelaeaceae. Report to The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).

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